Friday, February 18, 2011

Stupidly tired zzzzzzzzz

I so wish I didn't feel so unbelievably tired. There have been more animated zombies than me. I trudge. I yawn. I have a little nap ... in Sainsburys. However, I do have lovely dreams. But, it is time to wake up; I feel my blood has turned to cement and I must move or it will set but it's too heavy. Just a little bit more sleep, please ... no it's dog walk time.

I got my smelly little dog back from kennels yesterday - oh how I love him. I know it's stupid to lavish love on a bit of animated fluff on a string but he's a delight. I took him and the Apprentice (who seems to be doing very little apprenticing these days) out for a walk on the common where we were joined by every vicious, slavering, badly bred and badly mannered dog in SW London. Poor little fluffy (a refined cavalier king charles spaniel of excellent breeding) seemed to be wearing a "kick me hard" note. Not a nice walk! We'll try Richmond Park this afternoon in search of a better class of mutt.

Party tomorrow. A surprise party for my brother-in-law's birthday. It's in Salisbury somewhere. I can sleep on the way - whilst driving(?) Mr Smith seems back into the swing of things with no wear and tear from aeroplane travel or time difference. What shall I wear to this party? I'll be the fat one asleep at the end of the table.

Here's the finished mural - well part of it.

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