Thursday, September 1, 2011


Mr Smith is cross with me.  Do you think he's going to keep up this strop throughout our entire holiday?  I so hope not.  I do foresee a slight contretemps over my map reading.  I remember last time we went to Burgundy the map flew out of the car window in a windy moment and we had to guess our route through France from then on.  We managed and we actually had less fights about the way from then on.  Anyway, we haven't started our holiday yet. I thought we were going on Friday (i.e. tomorrow) but actually it's Saturday.

Our street has now been declared a CPZ - a one hour CPZ.  Yes, I didn't know what it was either but I think it means Car Parking Zone.  Mr Smith is annoyed with me because I bought visitors' parking permits.  They were very expensive and, as far as he's concerned, totally unnecessary.  We are not allowed visitors; if anyone should descend upon us during the restricted parking hour they can park around the corner (bloody miles away) and walk to our house.  Anyway, just think how furious he is going to be when the magic card bill arrives.  Actually, I have also booked a holiday on that card - a real one without him to somewhere hot with friends.  I am dreading its confiscation but so looking forward to the holiday - next January.

I had to buy the parking token thingies from a man in Putney Library who was sporting a badge proclaiming himself a Reading Development Officer.  He was seated behind a sign that was misspelt and incorrectly punctuated about "residants tradesmens and visitors parking permits".  It smarted.  I commented.... loudly.  I was in a bad mood anyway as I didn't want to get these things as I have a parking permit on my car already. I was really only getting them for the BB so his girlfriend can come and stay without acquiring an expensive parking ticket attached decoratively to her car.  I am so nice despite being riled by the blatant bad use of English in a public library.  Eats, shoots and leaves carnage all over the library with not an apostrophe in sight.

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