Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Miro, Miro on the Wall

This is very odd.  To mark the end of my cold and beginning of Mr Smith's, mice seem to have taken up residence in our ears.  Mr Smith's mouse squeaks. I have more of a dormouse that is fast asleep; in fact, dormice, as it is both ears.  This feeling of fluff in my head is pretty ghastly, even worse if I eat anything crunchy as it is very loud in my head.  Is this tinnitus?  I just looked it up and I am definitely going deaf or mad or both.  I'll take a pain killer and see if it goes away then head off to the Miro exhibition at the Tate with the Student who, despite no longer being a student, I hope has a student discount card.

I've never been a great fan of Joan Miro.  The Miro Gallery at Barcelona is only memorable for the giant bait Mr Smith was in when I tried to drag him round it.  I had to park him in a bit they had for parked husbands and do it by myself.  I remember a white wall with a wiggly line down it and I really had one of those "Is this really art?" moments.  Ok, it's not Velasquez; it's blue blobs but I'm in a blue blob mood today so I'll go with an open mind; Mr Smith will be firmly parked in his office.

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