Friday, June 24, 2011

Hold the cupcakes

I have had to ration myself in cupcake production.  Firstly, because things are just too sticky and, secondly, because it's a bit of a waste of time - productive procrastination -and then of course there is the slight worry that the house is filling to the brim with cupcakes.  Just one more .... please.  No, I'll clean my house instead.  Well I would but I can't find the hoover.  I haven't seen it since Mr Smith left for France.  Maybe he took it with him.

I have done all the laundry - a considerably quicker task when Mr Smith is away as it can just tumble away for hours on end instead of this pegging out malarky for which one is marked for presentation (socks paired together etc.) and efficiency then it rains.  Vive la France.

I gardened today.  Despite being planted in the shadiest spot, my sunflowers are doing well.  Despite the sluggiest spot, my courgettes are thriving.  In fact my vegetable garden is a maternity unit of loveliness.  The cauliflowers are having babies in their little nests of leaves, the broad beans are so wee and perfect and the peas are at mangetouts size.  Grow my children, grow ... then I can eat you!!!

                                                             Plastacine garden

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