The Lovely Claudia and her nice niece came and made cakes and oh my goodness my house is sticky. I peeled the dog off the floor and hoovered the dining room then scrubbed the entire kitchen with lashings of Cillit Bang. When Mr Smith came home it just all looked sparkly and smart until he sat down for dinner and got stuck to his chair where the nice niece had wiped her icing covered hands. Oh well, we had so much fun a bit of fall out was inevitable on a day of such messiness. We were amazingly controlled in our cupcake sampling - Well, the Lovely Claudia wasn't and ate many a Fruits of the Forest Muffin so she couldn't manage her lunch. They are pretty delicious and I think I will make some more today - even though I am a bit cupcaked out.
The patchwork chair I am supposed to be working on is having a little rest. I cleverly worked on it in situ and our whole bedroom floor was covered in little bits of cotton. I hoovered them all up and Mr Smith is so pleased to have a clean bedroom floor that he has stopped his nagging to get the chair finished. Somehow "Could you cover the floor and entire house in little bits of thread?" wasn't on his request list today.
My garden is dying - it looks like it has been poisoned but I think it's just that time of year when the vegetables and roses and flowers have come to the end. The dahlias look bright amongst the dead glads and the odd sunflower is still just standing. So it's time for some really destructive gardening. I will pull things out and lay beds to rest. Nasturtiums and runner beans live on with a few middleless cabbages, the odd courgette and teeny leeks. Actually, I was quite excited at pulling on my wellies and making a start but that dalek has just wheeled himself round the corner and told me to put everything into bags and not leave it strewn about. Has the man never heard of compost? - all over the lawn.
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