Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Jock's back

Mr Smith is home from Scotland back in his sparkly clean house and has admired the chair.  I am annoyed that I stupidly put the front panel in upside down but changing it would be an almost chair remake so it stays like that, irritating me, forever.  I shall just wallow in the relief of not having it on my "Things to do today" list.  Mr Smith always manages to keep that quite well stocked.  He suggested I start by making his morning porridge.  I suggested he might like to reconsider this idea but I didn't put it quite like that - something more like fuck fuck fuckity off was my response.  I don't want to mess up my very clean kitchen.

Now it's lavender bags.  My lavender is drying nicely;  I go round the house with a Sainsbury's bag shaking the bunches vigorously trying to catch all the little bits but missing.  I haven't quite worked out my bag design yet.  I think something square and pouchy is what I have in mind with little hearts appliqued on and ribbon trim and a hangy bit.  I have a nasty feeling this isn't going to be as easy as I first thought.

I finished my C&G homework, like the good little student I am, and photographed all my pretty purple marzipan shapes but they came out slug grey.  I tried everything from white balance to shutter speed but still they came out grey.  In the end I sent them off with a note saying "Think purple".  This is my least grey effort.  Why didn't I just do green?

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