Friday, March 18, 2011

Chocolate rabbit

Dish number one: Rabbit in Cider was presented to the tribespeople last night. Verdict: A bit overcooked and bony. Oh well, I tried. Only eight more disappointments of my gourmet frozen meals to go then they can go back to the usual "What's for Dinner? I don't know or care." Kedgeree tonight.... stand by for moaning.

Eight days of my Lenten fast have passed with no chocolate and let me tell you it ain't easy. There is chocolate everywhere you look. Every pudding has chocolate invested into it. Every cake has a chocolate topping, tipping or dripping. Every biscuit has a chocolate chip nuzzled between its crumbs. Every coffee shop smells of hot chocolate with cream and a melty flake on top. Every station is covered in chocolate coated kiosks selling bars of chocolate. I am staying in bed thinking of the Boosts and Green & Blacks in our kitchen cupboard. Oh woe is me.

It will never rain again as I bought a new mac yesterday. It's a sort of Sherlock Holmes type of garment and very just the thing .... for a rainy day.

I met the Lovely Claudia in John Lewis and we went for tea and did something so naughty. I brought along a couple of cupcakes I had made as a gift for her and we ate them looking around furtively for fear of a John Lewis food prefect berating us and throwing us out of the cafe mid tea slurp. Verdict: better than that rabbit stew.

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