Saturday, April 16, 2011

A bit seedy

In an attempt to plant peas I had to resort to the instructions. Aha. Sow in drills (what are drills?) 12" apart in zig zags with 2" between seeds. What? I made an indent in the soil and chucked them in. Beds should contain plenty of organic matter and be well fertilised. Do ground elder and fox poo count? Gosh the next bit looks very complicated indeed involving twigs and nets and anti bird, anti slug, anti bug, anti cat etc. Why don't I just build a great big vegetable cage. Mr Smith asks why I don't just buy Birds Eye like everyone else?

People are always complaining about the cost of cauliflowers. Anything under £50 each seems quite reasonable to me.

My head aches. I haven't got a hangover but the Apprentice has so I am having it with him in sympathy. The concrete slab went hard whilst I was away at the seaside collecting pebbles for our pebble mosaic (don't ask!) so all is OK and the Apprentice son thinks I'm a brilliant Mum and a jolly good cement mixer.

Only 7 days til chocolate - oh goody. I'm not doing this Lenten vigil again. God doesn't mind if I eat chocolate or not. I am no thinner. I just eat other rubbish instead such as jelly babies or marshmallows or ratafia biscuits or all three rammed into my mouth at once - a cocktail of loveliness I truly recommend.

Observation of the day by Mr Smith: If your wife falls asleep whilst doing the crossword with a biro in bed you end up with scribbly sheets.

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