Friday, April 29, 2011

Mr & Mrs Cambridge

Oh that wedding was just lovely. I thought minibuses for all lesser royals was a bit of a hoot. No, you're not nearly royal enough for a coach ... it's the minibus for you. Here comes Princess Anne driving hers and Elton John in his. Samantha Cameron forgot her hat. The Fergiettes looked a bit orff I thought and I didn't like Camilla's outfit but the mother-of-the-bride looked charmingly elegant. I sang along to Jerusalem - so kind of the Telegraph to print the order of service for me; some of those choristers looked so very young I felt they needed my help. What perfect bridesmaids, two of whom were very very little. Oh Wills & Kate, may you be as happy as you look on the tea towels.

I painted the final bit of the Shed, an outstanding bottom bit. One day I will start coat two o'er the entire thing. Oh how fatiguing.

I talked to my mangetout seedlings - marginally more interesting than Mr Smith sometimes.
I am growing far too many things. I think I should limit myself to say 5 veg only and a few spuds. I will try that next year. In the meantime I will stock Sainsbury's veg department single handedly from my teeny vegetable plot.

Tonight we are attending a street party which appears to be in someone's home, not the street. Don't they have any real friends? We forgot to rsvp but will turn up anyway, en famille. Mr Smith is good at being rude like that.

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