Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Spring water

A gloriously sunny Spring day that I celebrated with a swim, indoor and out. Fitter me!

Last night I surpassed myself in the Vegetarian Tuesday fare. There was a bit of "What's this?" but Mr Smith did at least admire the lentil pie before saying "This would be really nice with some meat." Oh please! Chicken tonight - Lighter Healthier chicken so stand by for complaints.

Mad Carina came round to admire the shed. She felt all it needed was a bit of snow and a chalet girl to give it the full finish. I thought some roofing felt would be more beneficial. The Apprentice hammered away all day long with me passing him bits and painting some more battens. He has covered half the roof with pretty little shingles that look like a patchwork quilt and take about as long to cobble together. Sadly, you can't see the roof from the ground but he has done a splendid job ... so far. Mr Smith put on his jeans then said "Well done, son" before sitting in front of the footer on telly.

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