Saturday, November 19, 2011

Lefty tendencies

I knew it wouldn't last.  I felt hideously sick in the night (too much lovely dinner) and couldn't sleep so I went to the spare room to read.  Mr Smith had kidnapped the bedside light so I could only lie in the dark willing morning to come.  I groped around for my laptop and sent the Lovely Claudia a thank you message for my tulips that read "DFhsutnglsagial, 6xpvwskirnpamvkh akvna0p[';, AAAAA i can touch zype in the bark."

"Occupy London" - I am not a political animal but they've got a point. Bank building empty - people evicted from their homes as unable to make mortgage repayments as unemployed due to financial crisis caused primarily by banks - people move into empty bank building.  Squatting by any other name would smell as sweet. Well done with the banner - very good people with keys. Has UBS left the electricity on?  If so I'll pop round with a telly and we can all watch Corrie.  Nobody lets me see it here.  I'll even let that horrid chap who says recession is his favourite thing (Alessio Rastani) have a space on the sofa - well that is what's left of him if he actually turns up for a "session" as it's reported.  A bit of advice dear ... We all say stupid things sometimes but then we wish we hadn't.  Adopt the "It wasn't me" attitude and lie low for a bit.

Oooh, I just ate a lovely tangerine.  It was so sweet and juicy.  It's never a tangerine these days is it? I'm probably sounding all radiogram and twinset. Tangerine is a colour.  It's satsuma, clementine or mandarine (if tinned).  I can imagine my boys saying "Wow, we found some really amazing new satsumas called tangerines."

And now Mr Smith, the dog and I are going to the seaside to check nobody has moved into my unoccupied flat whilst I've been away.


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