Wednesday, May 4, 2011

There's no place like home

Before I start on this rant let me assure you I love my children above all else and would lay my life down for either of them if the need arose. However, Mr & Mrs Smith are agreed on one thing: We do not want to live every day with both our sons. Mind you we felt that when they were 2 and 5 but now they are 21 and 24 we feel quite ill at the prospect of sharing our house with them for the rest of our lives. The Apprentice is now really upset, especially as he has invested so much time and so much of our money in building a shed at the end of the garden. Our timing could have been better but we have only just received the threat of the Student son moving back in.

The Student will soon graduate, with a miracle from the God of Degrees. His plans: "I thought I'd get a job then follow a career in ... I dunno ... I'll move back home and think about it." And the sentence started so well.

I am moving to the seaside.

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