Monday, May 16, 2011

Wiggly forks and spades

What is it?  Well, its supposed to be a pebble mosaic of garden tools but it went a bit wrong.  When it was dry it was ok but when I added water to set the cement the stones all changed colour and the spade and trowel handle disappeared.  Oh well, it's only the bit where we park the wheelbarrow.  I had such great ambitions for this project but I rather rushed at it . I found that you need to grade the pebbles first and you also need to do your prep work a bit better.

What ridiculously overambitious project shall I attempt today?  Maybe I will try anorexia as I am reading a brilliant book "brave girl eating" by Harriet Brown that I truly recommend.  My God it's terrifying; her daughter was so normal before she stopped eating.  I feel so lucky I only got dealt two dyslexic boys - something that seems to be even harder to cope with now they're older than when they were at school where we got quite used to failing spelling tests.  The Student struggles so hard at university to complete any written assignment and it's not all complete idleness.... He simply can't do it.

I did boring things yesterday like cleaning the silver and sulking about my pebbles not being very good whilst Mr Smith spent the whole day playing stupid golf.  Oh, by the way, the cupcakes were a great success.  I will make some more as I think they're one of those things you need to have in the freezer for those ghastly "Mother have you got ....?." moments.  I am quite good at that - ever resourceful. Somewhere I still have tiny outfits  for small shepherds and a sheep, I think.  Supermum, that's me.

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