Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Another one bites the dust

Another task completed.  At long last.  There is a bit of sail at the top that's missing and the cushion is a bit too big but apart from that it's done.  "Hooray" cry the little Saxons in their boat, "Hooray" cry their horses,      
"It's a bit fat" cries Mr Smith.  Oh pass me the arrows.

My day is harassed already and it is but the beginning.  I decided I just had so many things to do I should get the pottering Smith to perform the odd task.  No, not nag, just delegate.  I need him to moan about a planning application, chase a plumber, change the duvet cover and go to the post office.  I went to make a cuppa with the intention of getting back into bed with the newspaper for a bit of a sip and a read but he had busily started on task one with the duvet suitably bare and hanging out of the window for an airing.  Oh.  I thought he would do things whilst I was out and about, not that second.  So now I am shivering on the bed covered with a flimsy blanket and the window wide open.

I've got E-bay into a dreadful muddle.  I keep getting "Can I buy it now?" requests.  No.  I don't know how to do that.  I suppose I'd better look into it.  But how do I know what to charge?  Oh dear, it's all much too complicated.

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