Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Make me an offer

OK, germ, you are seriously getting me down now.  I have now had to cancel the second patchwork class running.  So far I have missed three out of four; first because I was in France.  There is only one thing for it, I will have to take myself on a completely useless mission to the doctor who will tell me there is nothing they can give me and I will have to soldier on.  Haven't they ever heard of antibiotics?  I have.  My mother told me how to get a doctor to prescribe these magic pills.  Firstly, exaggerate the length of the illness and the symptoms then give a revolting description of something green you are coughing up.  That should apparently do the trick.  Well, I am quite willing to give it a go as I am absolutely at the end of my tether and Mr Smith's tether too.  I am tired and ill and this is no fun at all.  I might tell the doctor how I have been off work now for ages .... then I'll have to invent some job I don't do.  I bet the doctors take antibiotics like smarties.  Mmmm I could really fancy a smarty or two now and maybe some jelly babies - it's this voracious appetite I have developed with this cough.

My ebay sales are terrific.  So far I have made £56.70 with another £40 in the pipeline.  Oooh just a few more and I will have made a cool £100 from my sick bed.  How clever is that?  I am having a bit of a problem with a large ugly patchwork quilt that refuses to fit into any box despite Designer Susan giving me perfect boxes that are so nearly just the thing.  I keep receiving hideous questions from prospective buyers as to its pedigree and condition and whether it would like to go to Ireland.  I don't know ... just buy the damned thing and make me rich.  I'll do a deal for antibiotics.

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