Friday, October 14, 2011

House work

I don't know why I am so fat.  It's not as though I ate a whole packet of chocolate biscuits; I left a few for Mr Smith then I remembered he is away so I had to have his for him.  It looks as though boring old conscientious efforts will have to be made.

Yesterday I walked the dog and made things all day long.  Both the dog and I look exhausted.  I started my "weekend" quilt in the morning and got on swimmingly.  After lunch I knitted two wash cloths with House on tv in the background.  I didn't pay that much attention but the patient got better.  Dishcloth cotton is just the softest cotton imaginable and it feels so lovely next to your skin.  After a long walk with the dog I had to have a long lounge in the bath to christen one of these cloths - the one that went a bit wrong when the patient went into anaphylactic shock.  I then made two doggie lavender bags, a covered button for another lavender bag, a little blanket-stitched heart and a delicious dinner.  Are there no end to my talents for wasting time and money?  Oh those creative juices; they must be fuelled by the chocolate biscuits.

I still have my irritating cough sitting in a slightly tickly manner on my chest.  Maybe it's lung cancer.  I'll call House.
Stage 1 - Laying out the pieces

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